As part of their engagement and consultation strategy, the HIV Commission called for different sources of evidence to inform its thinking. This helped to inform commissioners on the development of evidence-based recommendations that were published in their final report.

- Written submissions asked community members, academics, civil society, bodies that represent citizens and professionals, businesses of all sizes including start-ups, and others for written evidence submissions.
- Evidence hearings were a series of regional workshops to serve as a platform for commissioners to directly engage with community members and get deeper understanding on key areas.
- Have Your Say collected the view and experiences of people across England through an online portal.
- A series of thematic evidence papers will be prepared by the Advisory Group and formed part of the evidence collated to support and inform the Commission’s deliberations. They provided a brief summary the key issues related to ending HIV transmission and opportunities for enhanced action.
Members of the HIV Commission received additional evidence during their meetings. This includes reports, oral presentations, data and statistics, information on studies, and other relevant evidence requested by commissioners. More information on commissioners meetings can be found in the resources section.